The Eagles Have Landed
After a great going-away party, Noam and I bounced to Israel. We are currently in Joey's apartment in Jerusalem, waiting for him to fly in tommorow in time for Shabbat. I haven't done much sleeping in the past two days, and I'm about to pass out, but I thought I'd share the above photo with you. I spotted it in Joey's neighbourhood this afternoon.
Much love,
- Avi
Avi, I'm so jealous! Glad to hear that you are there safe and sound, tell Jerusalem hello for me...good Shabbos
I just told Jerusalem hello for you. She says 'hi' back.
Shabbat Shalom! - Talk to you soon.
i just spoke to you
I was so happy to hear from you
Hope Shabbas was great
I love you
so does dad and debra
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