My bad!
Just dusting off the cobwebs here. A month and a half without a post is pretty lame.
I guess I should apologize. Not just to you, dear reader, but to me. I also let myself down. But hey, I was kind of busy, ok?
Busy with what? All kinds of cool stuff! I did some schoolwork, flew to Canada for a month and chilled with family and friends. Then I was off to Boston for a few days to crash Gnome's place and visit my friend Ben. And THEN - that crazy volcanic ash cloud went off, grounding all flights in Europe. You see, my flight from Boston was supposed to go through Zurich, Switzerland, but all flights were grounded. Luckily, Swiss airspace reopened the day that I flew!
It was a not so breathtaking 90 minute layover in Zurich, but flying out was great because I got a great view of the Swiss Alps! The plane even had customizable camera views on individual monitors, so passengers could choose to watch what the pilots were seeing, or other views from the plane.
Seeing Israel appear out of the clouds was an amazing moment - and after a smooth landing, a fun talk with a plainclothes police officer, and two train rides and a bus, I was home.
Now it's back to the school grind - and more Shul of Rock blogging.
For a long time, I have been considering making a regular video blog, perhaps even as a means of sometimes replacing text based updates. Any thoughts?
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