Monday, May 22, 2006

Attempted B & E at my house?

So about six minutes ago, my sister and I were putzing around the house, when we heard the sound of someone frantically trying to open our side door.

“What do we do”? Debra asked imploringly, staring up at me from her World Issues essay.

“I’ll go have a look,” I answered

I marched to the door and parted the dusty blinds with my index finger. A creepy pair of eyes stared back at me. He wore a red shirt and a grey cap.

In a thick Russian accent, he said something in English, but largely unintelligible. I asked him to repeat it.

“Michael McKevy. I am looking for Mishkev.”

At least, that’s what it sounded like. Anyways, after I informed him that he had the wrong place, he walked to his car, which was parked in the driveway, and he reluctantly drove off.

So here is my analysis: It sounds like a clear-cut case, doesn’t it? Some guy was told to go to a house, but he went to the wrong address. He was simply told to go to the sidedoor... WRONG!

That does not explain why rather than knocking (which anyone would do when arriving at someone’s home for the first time), this guy was desperately trying to crack the door open. He was shaking that knob for a bit before I answered, and when I confronted him, he looked genuinely surprised that someone was home.


So lock your doors, dear readers. You never know when some random guy is going to try to open it.

* Oh, hey there. Still reading? Wanna see something cool? The international trailer for Superman Returns just hit the net. See it here. Dig that last sequence!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's freaky. Our neighbourhood's really starting to go down the gutter, huh?

Scary stuff.

8:30 am  
Blogger Avi said...

I would have agreed with you yesterday, but I spent six hours in the Jane/Finch corridor today, and I am now convinced that we have one of the safest, greatest neigbourhoods ever. (Unless you consider all of North York our hood).

There were tons of sirens all the time, and while I used a phone booth to call Soph, I noticed a bullet hole in the window right next to me.

All that, plus, statistically speaking, there have been more shootings there than in any other Toronto locations. It's danger central (and I'm working there for the next 6 weeks! In the evening! yay!)

1:10 am  
Blogger Deb said...

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7:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attempted Bacon & Eggs at your house? Dude, next time send him my way! :-p

10:28 pm  

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