Friday, June 23, 2006

RIP Canon

*UPDATED - See below*

It is with deep regret that I announce the passing of my longtime camera. After six years with my Canon Powershot S30, I had forged a deep connection. And I did not realize how much that relationship meant to me until it was gone.

I know what you are thinking - 'But it's just a camera - an object!'. Well, that is true. But this 'object' helped me see the world a little differently. When I looked through its lens, I did not witness the regular travails of everyday life, but instead, its inherent beauty. It was my guide to the larger world around me, and it helped make everything more easily visually digestible as it churned events into pixels.

My Canon camera’s processor has captured the visages of all my friends. I did not just use it for photographs, but also for every single video on this site. It helped me express myself creatively.

Just last night I was using my camera. The final image I captured with it was a shot of Sophia sitting in a backyard. The camera that accompanied me across Israel (twice), Poland, Ontario, and a large swath of the north-eastern United States is gone. All I have left of it is its body.

My sister accidentally let it slip from her lap today when she was sitting. It hit the ground, and died. I thought its steel body was strong, but it was not enough to save it from its cruel fate.

I am currently searching for an affordable Canon Powershot S series camera. My S30 will be forever missed. If you find a decent price for an S60, S70, or S80, please let me know.

I’ll never forget you, S30. You were really great.

- Avi


The Canon is no longer officially dead! Last night, as I moped around, cradling the lifeless husk of my camera, I had an epiphany; What if it were dropped again?

You see, I figured it stopped functioning because the initial fall it took must have damaged one of its parts. I opted to give it a calculated slam, and see if it would resume working. I mean, what did I have to lose, right?

I slapped and shook it a few times, and then gently dropped it onto a thinly carpeted surface. After all that slammin', I attempted to turn the camera on. It now functions just as it always did - flawlessly. I figure that something was loosened, and my slamming around helped get it back on track.

I will watch the camera vigilantly, and I will not trust it as I did in the past. It could very likely revert to uselessness after a violent bump.

I'm going to try to get a Canon technician to take a peek inside, in order to set things right. I wish to thank Snoopy and Noham for their support during this difficult time.

Happy snapping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know what you consider a decent price and I'll tell you what I can find.

Were you able to save your pics?

9:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir, I have heard that Canon's can be traded in for new ones. You might want to check out that deal somehow... I know no details aside from what you read, I heard this on a radio commercial while driving.

12:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it happens again, I still get good deals on HP cameras. Give it time, and maybe soon I'll have a job at Future Shop, at which time I will try and give you the employee price in your time of grief.

1:29 am  
Blogger Avi said...

Thanks for the kind offer, Jeff. I'm going to see how much I can get for my camera if I traded it in. It may only be 3 megapixels, but it is no simple 'point and shoot' - it's a high-end 'prosumer' camera with adjustable ISO, shutter speeds, a light metre, etc. Maybe I'll be able to nab $100 for it if I'm lucky. :(

10:35 am  

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