Monday, November 05, 2007

Jess Fink

I'm a bit of a t-shirt whore. I can't stop adding colourful pieces of cotton to my evergrowing closet. I just ordered a new shirt from, featuring the image above. I know, it's kind of weird, but it's such a sweet image, and I know that when I wear it, I'll feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Besides, with the Canadian dollar up, plus an online coupon, the shirt cost less than $12 (CDN) before shipping. If you like the cutesy design, check out artist Jess Fink's website at . Fink is a designer and artist, and she often dabbles in comics too.

In other news, the Shul of Rock is up to 19,547 visitors! Let's pump it to 20 k, people!


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