Monday, May 17, 2010

Israeli Jews Don't Know Much About their American Brothers

The gap between Israeli and American Jews has been growing for years, and now the Israeli education system is going to try to correct it. There is little awareness amongst Israeli Jews about the nature and complexities of American Jewry.

An excellent article at JTA notes that "There is a feeling that members of the world's two largest Jewish populations know less about each other with each passing generation."

A growing disconnect has created a drift in which Israeli Jews are too busy being Israeli to think about the nature of global Jewish identity, and means in which American Jews practice Judaism, or even function within a cultural Jewish milieu. ""Are we a people who has a state, or a state that has a people?” is a question the article seeks to answer.

And don't even get me started on Israeli Jewish ignorance of Canadian Jews. Are there Jews in Canada, really? El-Al flys to Toronto direct? WHY?

The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.” - Elbert Hubbard


Blogger Unknown said...

Well said, sir.
I await your next post explaining how to correct the situation...

12:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Elbert Hubbard related to Ron Hubbard?

8:31 pm  
Blogger Avi said...

Uh oh, Joey gave me homework.

Yo - Barry, that you? Or is it John Travolta?

3:50 pm  
Blogger Deb said...

Honestly, I didn't read this article. Just a thought: Have you ever considered starting a blog about a specific genre? that would provide value to others. not saying that this doesn't, but that would attract a lot of readers. ex. political science blog. or whatever blog.
then you could get a lot of readers by providing info, and then you could put ads up and make money too :)

9:27 am  
Anonymous L.E. Green/Snoopy said...

I find it really weird that they use the terms "Zionist Agenda" and "Zionist project". More so the latter than the former.

As far as the topic as a whole goes, the importance cannot be overstated. Israel is a bubble in some respects. One example is the fact that a lot of Israeli university students don't even know that something like IAW exists and North American Jewish students' experiences with that.

An understanding of Jewish life here is a definitely good start.

9:26 pm  

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