Sunday, August 14, 2005

Zion Forever

(photo courtesy of

In one day, Israel will be changed forever. By returning land that was legally won in a war (initiated by Arabs seeking to destroy the country,) the state of Israel will be abandoning land - and rewarding terror. Generations of families will be uprooted. Jobs will be lost. Graves will be moved (including at least six that belong to terror victims,) and for what?

The terror won't just continue...It will escalate. Rocket attacks will strike further. The new sea port will welcome ships carrying illegal arms from Iran. Arms will be easily smuggled between Gaza and the West Bank.

All the academic think tanks are screaming this inevitable reality. The people in the above picture are doing the same. So were the 50, 000 Jews gathered to pray and protest at the Western Wall recently. That was the largest gathering of praying Jews since the second Temple period thousands of years ago.

Israel may be an old nation, but it is also a young country. It has much to learn.

Rather than answering to international pressure - the voice of a world that would rather see the Jews long dead than in the news, Israel should seek to serve its best interests. That means confronting terror effectively; Not bowing to it. Hamas is already waving flags that declare Jerusalem as the next target.

Aeycha! (Alas!)

What follows is an excerpt from a Jerusalem Post article written by Daniel Pipes. Click here to read it in its entirety.

Israel Shows Weakness in Gaza

by Daniel Pipes

Are Israel's critics correct? Does the "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza cause the Palestinians' anti-Semitism, their suicide factories and their terrorism? And is it true these horrors will end only when Israeli civilians and troops leave the territories?

The answer is coming soon. Starting on August 15 the Israeli government will evict some 8,000 Israelis from Gaza and turn their land over to the Palestinian Authority. In addition to being a unique event in modern history (no other democracy has forcibly uprooted thousands of its own citizens of one religion from their lawful homes), it also offers a rare, live, social-science experiment.

We stand at an interpretive divide. If Israel's critics are right, the Gaza withdrawal will improve Palestinian attitudes toward Israel, leading to an end of incitement and a steep drop in attempted violence, followed by a renewal of negotiations and a full settlement. Logic requires, after all, that if "occupation" is the problem, ending it, even partially, will lead to a solution.

But I forecast a very different outcome. Given that some 80 percent of Palestinians continue to reject Israel's very existence, signs of Israeli weakness, such as the forthcoming Gaza withdrawal, will instead inspire heightened Palestinian irredentism. Absorbing their new gift without gratitude, Palestinians will focus on those territories Israelis have not evacuated. (This is what happened after Israeli forces fled Lebanon.)

The retreat will inspire not comity but a new rejectionist exhilaration, a greater frenzy of anti-Zionist anger, and a surge in anti-Israel violence.

Palestinians themselves are openly saying as much... (
continue here)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good choice of articles to link to man.

The whole media bias is still an issue nonetheless, which is why I'm bringing it up. This also means on both sides of the media too, by the way.

The constant finger pointing at Jews/Jewish settlers being the "occupants" of the land goes way back into old media bias. The specific use of the word Jew over Israeli denotes that it is Jews and only Jews who live in the settlements. The probability is that the settlements do not completely consist of Jewish people, but non-Jewish people too. As you also happened to mention today in conversation, regarding East Asians who found employment in Israel and are, or I suppose by now were, living in those settlements as well.

So it's not just Jews getting kicked out of these, so called, "Jewish" settlements.

The other side has nothing but bad things to say about the pull-out. That's obvious; they disagree with it. The worries are real, and it's unfortunate that no one on the other side acknowledges the threats posed to Israelis that will result from pull-outs, this or any possible future ones. Past experience also tells the same stories too. Oslo, for instance, was a disaster. Well, I'm sure the Palestinians see it differently.

But who knows 100%, sure as sugar, bullseye, etc... what will happen. There are non-extremist Palestinians out there. Maybe they'll be the ones to move into those areas and things will work out great (for both side I mean). Right? Right?

Well, I can wish. For now I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I hope my school year doesn't get cancelled over this.

8:26 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also to your comment that Hamas is already planning to come into Jerusalem and take over all of Israel is apparent in the banners displayed over Gaza recently. As it says "Today Gaza, tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem."
how reassuring.

6:28 pm  

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