Avi Dishes on Movies

I’ve Seen:
We Own the Night (2007)
Barry and I saw this two-hour crime movie set in the 80s. And it’s very watchable. I wouldn’t say it’s a great film, but it’s a good popcorn flick with a solid cast. And Eva Mendes co-stars. That’s a plus in my book.
Akumu Tantei (2006)
Also known as ‘Nightmare Detective’, this Japanese horror film is more suspense than chills. I caught it with Dale at the ‘Toronto After Dark Film Festival’. Apparently, there are plans for a sequel. If you are easily scared, this film could make a good rental. Impressive though, is the fact that hardly any digital effects were used. In today’s world of cartoony special effects, I could only spot one example of obvious computer enhancement, and it worked REALLY well.
La Moustache (2005)
This French film is about a guy who shaves his longtime moustache. And no-one notices. And then people tell him he never had one! But he thought he did! And then his life gets all nutty as he begins to wonder what is true and what isn’t. Multiple realities softly diverge (and possibly reconnect) in what I found to be a very winning film based on a simple premise. And the acting is top-notch.
What I Want to See:
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
It’s a Wes Anderson movie! Why have I not seen it yet?
Michael Clayton (2007)
I’m a fan of the first-time director’s screenwriting career. Plus this flick has a lot of Oscar buzz. And it’s Clooney. Would Clooney ever steer you wrong? OK, don’t answer that.