Monday, October 27, 2008

Canadians: Buy stuff now!

In these wacky financial times, as our economy slowly slides into a sinkhole and the Canadian dollar plummets... (Thanks America!) - I want to advise my fellow Canadians to buy stuff.

I know - that doesn't seem to make any sense. If the dollar is getting crappy, why spend money now? Well, here's the answer: You should make some purchases now because prices have not been adjusted yet. At the Apple stores in Canada, you will see that a 16 gigabyte iPod Touch is retailing for $329. If pricing reflected the value of the dollar, that device, which is $299 in the US, would be $382 in Canada, as I write this. $60 more than the current price.

If you were planning on making a big retail purchase, like a car, computer, or iPod, you'd better do it now. Sure you could take your chances and wait everything out, but seeing how the Canadian dollar is slipping, it probably won't pull itself out of this slump for a long time.

*** On the flipside, I just made some money from this economic downturn. My Paypal account is in US funds, so I gained 20 cents on every dollar. Bet you wish you had bought American money a few months ago, eh? You would have done better than playing the stock market. ---- Then again, anyone would have done better than playing the stock market! Yikes.

Monday, October 20, 2008


If you have can attest to any of the following, then you might like this video. Have you ever...
  • Received a present you did not really like?
  • Had an over demanding girlfriend?
  • Enjoyed David Mamet plays?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these three questions, you should check out Huggles:

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Great Schlep

First off, I'd like to wish you readers a Shanah Tova! May the year 5769 be filled with good health and great happiness for you. Read some past Rosh Hashana messages here.

This video is funny, whether you agree with the politics or not:

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
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