Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Production Manager = Babe

I Don't know about you guys, but I think that production manager is mighty fine...

*ahem* err... If any of you Toronto folk are interested in watching a fun cooking demonstration, and then getting to pig out, this event is for you!
rebbetzin.chef at gmail.com for deets, or call (416) 913-2424 to reserve your spot!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Trapped in the Closet

Ever heard of Scientology? It calls itself a religion, but is really the strange creation of self-professed prophet and sci-fi writer, L. Ron Hubbard. I first encountered this phenomenon when Mr. T and I were wandering around in downtown Toronto late at night a few years back. It was one of our usual mid-summer jaunts, and we didn't feel like returning to suburbia yet. Instead, we opted to be a little adventurous, and upon seeing a well-lit building lobby with a sign offering some sort of free consultation, we decided to check things out.

Mr. T and I were ushered into a room that had bookshelves lined up against the wall - each brimming with an overflow of L. Ron Hubbard books. The two of us were led to a desk, and a gentlemen allowed us to take turns holding onto a strange device while we answered questions. After watching a recent episode of South Park (availiable at the bottom of this post), I now know that the object I was holding is known as an e-meter. At one point I was asked to think of a brown dog, and my readings were recorded. Afterwards, the man asked Mr. T and myself if we would be interested in getting more information in another room. Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there.

The building we exited was The Church of Scientology - aka an office building on Yonge street. It was a funny experience, and we laughed much of the time, which truly pissed the staff off. For all I know, we have been black-listed from the organization.

It is a known fact that Tom Cruise and John Travolta are followers of this goofy "faith", and in one of the funniest recent episodes of South Park (according to The National Post), the entire concept is torn to shreds. There are laughs, cameos by the duped celebs, as well as R. Kelly(!), and Napoleon Dynamite is used as an insult against Cruise. PLUS you get to see Stan experience the e-meter questioning. It's a definite must see! Besides, it's not as weird as the videos from the last post.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Welcome to the S of R Theatre

Welcome to the Shul of Rock Theatre. I'd like to thank YouTube for providing the webspace. I also wish to thank the Shul of Rock Players. This time around, the cast includes Noam, Moe, Mr. T, Benzi, and myself. Enjoy the show!

It's a double-feature today. We will begin with the epic movie Fort Adventures. It is the charming tale of a bunch of idiots that build a fort in a living room. It collapses, and they blame Moe.

The second film is a little more experimental. It is the artsy short Descent Into Chaos. In this video, a bunch of idiots improv a scene using a "That 70s Show" style camera spinning technique. Things immediately descend into a chaos which is both somewhat humorous, and exceedingly disturbing.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blogger's Diarrhea

I feel so ashamed! I just got off the phone with Dr. Love. He reminded me that I should get off my ass and update the Shul of Rock. "Is the Shul closed?" he asked.

The answer is "NO". This is the Shul that never closes. After returning from Israel, I was jetlagged, hit by school, and confronted with other random crap, but not one day went by that I didn’t ponder what I should post on this site. Well, rather than making one specific post, I figure I’ll just warm myself up by discussing a wide array of topics, and from this point on, the hard hitting posts you’ve all come to expect will return.

The Shul of Rock is like a fine wine – it only gets better with age. Every single blog post brings this place closer to perfection. Every picture is a jewel in the S of R crown – every video clip is a horse in the S of R stable. Each word written is a word to be remembered and cherished. Well… that’s my humble opinion anyway.

Let the Blogger’s Diarrhea begin!

- The Hadracha trip to Israel and Poland was incredible! I have yet to upload my (hundreds) of photos, but once I do, prepare to be blown away. I learned a lot, and I feel like a changed person.

- Seeing S of R fans G.I. Joey and Snoopy was a real treat! Words cannot express the joy.

- Some assholes from a Messianic Jew group (read Christian) showed up at my grandmother’s nursing home to perform and ‘mingle’ with residents. A formal complaint has been launched. The very idea of Christian evangelists preying on Jewish seniors (the majority Holocaust survivors) makes me sick. If this makes you angry, and you want to get involved with stopping these creeps, go to
http://www.jewsforjudaism.org/ .

- Hillel of Greater Toronto is hosting a really cool art show. It ends on Sunday, but the reception is tomorrow (Jan 26th). I’ve got four photographs in the show, but don’t let that stop you from attending. Wine and cheese, people! You can’t go wrong. There will also be a live performance by Kol Neshama.

- Ya'll remember Benji? – Well, he’s back in Toronto, so expect more zany hijinks from him. Or as Ben would say: "Muahahahahah!"

- In the mood for a good laugh? How long has it been since you’ve seen that classic South Park episode, "The Passion of the Jew"? It’s surprising how well it has aged. You can view the entire episode in this embedded player right here. (Copyright holders, please note that this is a weblink, and the content is not actually stored on this site.)

More posts are on the horizon! Stay tuned.
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