I'm back in Toronto, and I've got tons of cool stories and pics and videos to share with you. I just spent the past week in Israel with a ton of students from around the world. We shared in an incredible learning experience that was truly unique.
I also met up with Yoni Lightstone, Alex Green, and I even bumped into Zev Bromberg. I also got together with
Shul regular Joey Lightstone a record four times during a one week period that saw me travel north, south, east and west. He was my personal stalker.
In the image you see above, Joey is sitting on a hotel bed, stunned by the surprise birthday gift his friends purchased for him. His iPod was stolen a few months back, so we threw some cash together and bought him a new one. The 2 GB iPod nano we got him contains pics featuring all the contributors, and a whole lot more. We also loaded it up with his favourite music.
Joey was resolute in his belief that his friends are unlike any other friends on Earth. He loves his chums and thanks them for the thoughtful gift. He has been missing a lot of music in his life for the last while, and he is happy to have it back.
Yoni (featured on the left in the above pic) did not comment for this blog post, but rumour has it that he
There is a lot of amazing S of R material heading your way. Welcome to the Oh-Seven!