Time to Repent!
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Guess what, ya'll? CHAT, a.k.a the Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto, is no more.
The school has been around for 46 years, and now it has a new name. It is now called TanenbaumCHAT.
Thanks to the continuing generosity of the esteemed Dr. Anne Tanenbaum, the school has decided to begin the 2006 academic year with a new name.
I think it is a bad move. While the school's mega tuition continues to skyrocket (it is now at $15, 700 CDN per year - enough to put a student through 3 years of an Ontario university), the school has striven to promote itself as an ideal choice for Jewish highschool students. But with a an aurally displeasing name such as TanenbaumCHAT, the school will not sound as appealing as it should.
Is a name important when it comes to education, or is the reputation of a school all that matters? Post whatever you like in the comment box, I still think CHAT's new name is terrible.