Skunks like to eat salad
In the past, I've blabbed about how cool it would be if I had a skunk as a pet. It would have to have its stink-gland removed, but after that, I'd have the coolest critter at the end of a leash. We'd go for walks together, scare random passerby, and eat a lot of salad. Skunks like salad. My relationship with skunks has always been pleasant... but tonight a skunk did me wrong.
I was pumping out a Yiddish Cinema paper on my computer when I was forced to quickly vacate the room. A skunk had blasted out a huge stinker on the north side of my house, and now things are still smelling pretty raw. That little bugger!
Nah, I still love them though. They are adorable little creatures with stripes running down their backs. Some have spots instead. They have bushy tails and like to keep to themselves, but when you piss them off, they have the power to ruin your life. That's pretty cool.
Here are some interesting facts about skunks. Most were culled from One of them is from me:
- Skunks live for at least seven years in the wild. Eight to ten in captivity.
- Skunks are the chief carrier of rabies. Skunk spray is not known to carry rabies virus.
- Skunks are best known for their odorous defense. They are able to expel a fine spray of foul-smelling musk. The skunk's scent glands are mature at less than one month of age.
- Most species of skunk forewarn predators by stamping their front feet, raising their tail and walking stiff-legged. Spotted skunks will occasionally bluff by handstanding without spraying. If that fails, they will drop onto all fours and spray. The spray is aimed at the face and causes intense irritation, even temporary blindness, if it reaches the eyes.
- Most animals avoid skunks. However, a notable exception is the Great horned owl, which does not appear to be deterred by skunk spray while foraging at night.
- All skunks are largely carnivorous, with insects and small mammals as major prey, but they also eat grubs, birds' eggs and fruit seasonally.
- Skunks coexist with foxes, raccoons and coyotes, groups of skunks often using the same burrows as these species, but at different times of the year.
- Sophia got Avi a skunk doll last week since she knows Avi is a fan of these creatures. Avi appreciates the sentiment.