Thursday, July 27, 2006

Shul Bulletin vol. 5, Photo Edition

Joey holds some pizza in Little Italy.

Well, Joey's on a plane to Israel. He's in good company, as Sophia's sister, Claire, is on the same flight.

It was bloody fantastic having Joey back in town for three weeks. He got to see his family and friends, and we got to see him too. Now he's on his way to commander school, and he is mentally (and physically) preparing himself for what lies ahead.

Before we parted ways last night, Joey and his friends did a lot of 'hanging out' and catching up. I've included a small sampling of pictures to give you an idea of what went down. As I write this, I believe Joey is still in Canadian airspace. We miss you already. Give Moe our hugs, and be safe.

Enjoy the photographs. I know I do.

Joey and Noam at Smokey Joe's Cafe after 'Clerks 2'

Joey, Noam, Coby, and Sophia sit in Sheppard Station

Avi, sideways at Smokey Joe's

Group huddle

Joey looks at Eli's photographs at the Imperial on his last night in T.O.

Avi stares into Noam's dreamy eyes. Don't tell Soph

At the pub, w/ Joey and Eli

Eli and Joey display their transfers on the way home. Karin was rudely cut out of the frame.

Downtown for the last time in a long time. Avi, Joey and Eli pose outside the Elgin Winter Garden Theatre

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Video - World Cup Mania: Avi & Joey in Little Italy

I wish to present a quick paced journey through Toronto's Little Italy on the night of the 2006 World Cup victory. It includes comedy, interviews, and great music. Special thanks to my co-star, Joey, for being such a supporter of my video work.

This is the first film to be shot on my new camera. Videos, including this one, will feature 30 frames per second (compared to the previous 15), and they are now at double the resolution. The result is a better picture, and more fluid motion. It is now true digital video. The only thing I want to apologize about is the occasional lack of light in some of the scenes. It was a night-shoot, and we did not have any extra light sources. I feel it came out just fine.

Enjoy the video I like to call my proudest yet (Other than the personal GM1). It is also the most 'commercial' of all the S of R vids. By that, I mean it is the most palatable towards public tastes. As Snoopy described it after watching a rough cut of the first two minutes, this 'could easily be seen on a TV news comedy show'. I'll let you make your own judgement. You always do.

Turn on your speakers and have fun:

Friday, July 21, 2006

11 000

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for swinging by this blog. We hit 11 000 page loads today, and we are very proud. It's not a lot compared to some of the big boys out there, but I take pride in that fact that the Shul of Rock is ad-free, carries interesting articles, and features fun pictures, videos, and the Dr. Love advice column. Plus we have some incredible readers.

As I write this, we have surpassed 11 023, and we are well on our way to 12 k. Thanks for making it possible.

To celebrate, here is a wonky look back at a post from almost exactly one year ago. I like how the comments for it feature Sophia and I complaining about selecting courses, and then Snoopy jumps in with some words. And there is Brad. Mr. Brad, if you are still a reader, say hi some time. We miss you.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comics for your Girlfriend

IGN posted a great article last month. Here is a brief excerpt:

"For a male comic-book fan, there's nothing more aggravating than dating a girl who can't respect comics. While there are plenty of women who read comics, more often than not, guys end up dating gals not interested in their "hobby." You don't want to give up one love (beautiful comic books) for another..."

The article goes on to list 'Blankets' as the number one choice. I ordered that book on a few days ago (along with Watchmen) and I'm looking forward to reading it.

Anyhoo - if any of you male comic fans have an openminded girlfriend that is willing to pick up some visual literature, tell her to look at this exciting list of contemporary graphic lit. It lists the fine points of each book, and why an intelligent, well-heeled female would like it. For 'Blankets' it reads:

Blankets doesn't feature a single superhero, action sequence or costume. It is a story about life and romance. Based on author Craig Thompson's own past, this graphic novel shows a young boy learning about the world. The story follows him to adulthood. Like all stories, our character does not have an easy life, encountering many wicked people and situations. The greatest thing Blankets manages to do is feel genuine. Nothing seems stretched or exaggerated. No doubt we have all experienced some portion of Thompson's tale, making it truly memorable and touching.

Read the rest of the article here.

Israel Solidarity Rally on July 26th

On July 26th, 2006, there will be a UJA sponsored solidarity rally on behalf of Israel.

Here is the info, according to their

As terrorist rockets destroy Israeli communities, disrupting millions of lives, UJA Federation is spearheading an urgent Stand with Israel Rally on Wednesday, July 26, 7:30 pm at the Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. (north of Sheppard).

Join dozens of Jewish and non-Jewish organizations to support Israel’s battle for security, in the wake of 15 recent Israeli deaths and hundreds of injuries from Hezbollah attacks.

Within the next couple of days, we will let you know about our keynote speaker and other participants. For now, please set the evening aside on Israel’s behalf.

For more information about the rally, please contact
LiL Nobel at 416.635.2883 ext. 111

In other Israeli news (provided by
J Post):
  • Alarms went off in Tiberias, but no rockets fell.
  • Two IDF soldiers were wounded in southern Lebanon
  • Nobody was hurt by a Kassam attack on Sderot
  • Israel blasted three tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip
  • Lebanon has asked the Vatican for assistance in seeking a cease-fire
  • Staff Sgt. Yotam Gilboa, 21, from Kibbutz Maoz Haim was identified as one of the IDF soldiers killed in southern Lebanon.

Monday, July 17, 2006

On schedule

Here's what I came up with for the 2006 academic year. It ain't pretty, but it's my schedule. I'm happy that for the first time ever, I will have a day off. Below are the 'Fall' and 'Winter' timetables, followed by a list of the actual courses I am taking (including my commentary on them). It is a somewhat eclectic mix, although it is dominated by English lit. Enjoy.

Fall, Winter.



My courses:

  • Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticism (It's good to know.)
  • American Popular Film Since 1970 (This completes my cinema minor. Should be fun... and very challenging. Plus I like watching Star Wars for university credit.)
  • Contemporary British Fiction (I needed to balance out my schedule, and this course did the trick - although it will make my Mondays VERY long.)
  • Hungary, 1956-2006: The Past 50 years (I like the prof, and I find the material interesting. I would like to visit Hungary in the near future. Who's coming with me?)
  • Swift, Pope, and his Circle (I needed something from this time period in order to have more variety.)
  • Studies in Pre-1800: Fielding (The only seminar class I could squeeze into. I look forward to sitting in a class of less than 20 people as we tear into some Tom Jones [the book, not the singer]. I would have preferred the Jane Austen seminar, but the wait list is longer than most of her books.)

All you enrolled students chime in with your schedules!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Look in the mirror

From JTA:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the IDF's offensive in Lebanon showed that "the Zionist regime behaves like Hitler," Iranian state television reported on Sunday.

Ahmadinejad slammed Israel for attacking Lebanon as the Iranian embassy in Beirut denied Israeli claims Saturday that Iranian troops had been sent in support Hizbullah.

Look in the mirror, Ahmadinejad.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Standing with Israel

If you have not heard about the current 'situation', get a clue. Israel has been attacked by Hezbollah terrorists. Soldiers have been killed. Civilians have been killed. Rocket attacks in Haifa and Nahariya. Retaliation in Beirut. Read up at , JTA, and CNN.

Israel will defend herself.

I'd write more, but it's candle-lighting time, so I'm outta here.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Doctor Love's Advice Column #4

Dr. Love has returned with a fourth round of advice for his adoring fans! Strap yourselves in, because you are riding with the Love Doctor. I mean, he's got a PhD and everything! It's amazing what you can make with construction paper these days...

Some of these questions were culled from random locations spread out across the internet. Others were sent in by readers. In the future, if you have an anonymous question for Doc Love, just send it via Mr. T at the address listed near the bottom of this page. Please be advised that Dr. Love is not a licensed professional and his advice is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only. If you manage to get anything else out of it – well, good for you.

This edition's answers are pretty short. The good doctor has been moonlighting with a second job, so his time is quite limited. (You can still book him for appointments, bar-mitzvahs and mall openings.)

He's so giving!

What is the appropriate time in a relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) to start buying gifts for someone? What type of gifts do guys like to get from their girlfriend or wife? - Latyrce

Doctor Love responds:

When you feel that the two of you are in a comfortable place in your relationship. Look for hits from the other partner. Also sit down and talk about what milestones you guys want to celebrate.

Where is the love?

Sometimes I get the desire to want to be in love with someone very special. Just yesterday in the car with my friend I told him that sometimes I feel that all the girls I would like to meet are somewhere that I am not. That they live somewhere far away, that they go to work or school somewhere that I don't go to. That they party and have fun in all the places that I am never at. - Naoki

Doctor Love responds:

Just keep your head up and your eyes above water and you will find someone. It is just like finding the remote control your grandmother lost, you always seem to find it when you're not looking.

Same ol', same ol'

I have noticed that most of the peple tend to chose the same kind of people for a future partner. In my case I always tend to chose commitment phobic men, single (no girlfriend), inmature, younger than me... all the people that I date has all this things!...My best friend always chose womanizer man, that tends to abuse her verbally and hurt her, agressive men...ALL THE MEN SHE HAS DATED IS THE SAME! Another friend always date mature man, that treats her right but always with girlfriend... ALWAYS THE SAME.Why do you think that most of the pple tend to chose the same kind of person?... Do you think it has to be with some psychologic and family thing?... - Denisse

The Nurse Responds:

Hi Denisse. I'm guest answering this one for Dr. Love.
First off, I think it is good that you tend to date single men. Dating attached men is probably not the greatest idea in the world.
Now on to your question; Why do most people choose the same kind of person? Probably because that is what they are looking for in a partner. Some women like smart, funny, sweet guys. When they find someone that meets this criteria, the chances of her dating that person will be far greater than the chances of dating a beer swilling, tatooed KKK member with a penchant for 18th century literature and body butter.
On the other hand, some women like racist, alcoholic, well-read bikers that smell like coconut. If that is the case, these men will be on the top of their dating pile. It all comes down to personal preference. I'm sure there is a psychological basis for the creation of preferences but that's another story.

Previous Dr. Love columns:
1. Doctor Love is Ready to Operate
2. Doctor Love's Advice Column #2
3. Doctor Love's Advice Column #3

Coming soon:
Exclusive coverage of the World Cup celebration in Toronto's Little Italy featuring Avi and Joey.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ask a Ninja

If you have not heard of this YouTube comedy series, then you are missing out! Check out episode #23 below:

Rock, Shul of

First off, I'm sorry if anything in the previous post offended anyone's sensibilities.

It is summer time, and that means it is time to RAWK! Edgefest II is rolling into town on July 16th, and it will feature enough new rock to make your head spin. Three stages, each with a rotating list of acts. That's a lot of bands. I already have my ticket, and if you want in, now is the time to do it. Prices are already being reduced, so if you want to spend a day under the sun watching some great live performances (and some not so great - Hey Moe, remember Project Wyze?), then Edgefest II is the way to go.

I'll see you in the moshpit.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

He Has Returned: Joey in Toronto


Joey is back in town.
From July 3rd to July 27th, Mr. Lightstone is back in T.O.
When Noam and I snuck over to his place hours after he got back from the airport we had an emotionally uplifting reunion. We caught each other up on the events of the past year, and in between looking at Joey's amazing pictures, we all wondered if Moe was still alive.
On the night of July 4th, we gathered at O'Grady's for some drinks. Present were: Joey, Sophia, Noam, Ashley, Margot, Coby, Eli, and myself. Vandy and Tamara sent their regrets. Enjoy the pics.
Oh, and excuse Joey, but he had a lil too much to drink. And Sophia didn't appear in my shots because she does not like it when I shoot candidly.

Noam likes making shadow puppets

Little Ms. Pouty Lips faces off with Mr. Stinky Eyebrow. Who will win?

Ashley tries to keep Margot from killing herself with sesame seeds

Eli is oblivious to Noam rifling through his wallet

Joey poses whille Coby and Noam annoy Soph


Avi holds what is left of his pint

Noam is horrified that Ash was thrown out of the subway car at the previous station

Avi smiles at Sophia

Joey loses his mind

A message to all those that couldn't be there: We missed you. A lot.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Some Choice Quotes

Sometimes, when you need inspiration, nothing helps better than by reading a great quote. The wise words of those that came before you can continue to make a difference long after the original speaker is gone.

Dr. Gabriel Robins of the Computer Science Dept. at the University of Virginia has a website chock full of them. Here are some of my faves:

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great."
- Golda Meir (1898-1978) to a visiting diplomat

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed."
- George Burns (1896-1996)

"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

"We have art to save ourselves from the truth."
- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

"Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions."
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"A witty saying proves nothing."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

RIP Eliyahu Asheri

From JTA:

On Wednesday, Miriam Asheri pleaded for the release of her kidnapped son. On Thursday, she buried him.

Eliyahu Asheri, 18, from the West Bank settlement of Itamar, was abducted Sunday by a Palestinian terrorist group called the Popular Resistance Committees. Soon after, according to Israeli officials, he was shot in the head and buried in a field near Ramallah.

Read the rest here

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day, everyone! Fly that red and white proudly. Despite all our gripes and quibbles, we still live in one of the greatest nations on this green earth (unless you are a foreigner reading this). Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing - stop and think about the good ol' Great White North. Enjoy the long weekend. I'll be here when you get back.
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